3rd Gen | Management Consulting


Some of the most important decisions affecting the long-term financial health and stability of a utility are made during its periodic planning sessions. The ability of utility rates to adequately recover costs, support project funding, and provide appropriate reserves is a basic requirement where careful analysis is critical. As pressures continue to mount from increased system demand, aging facilities, rising power costs, and new regulatory mandates, the need to operate under a thoroughly conceived financial plan and/or rate analysis is even more significant.

Our experts work with our clients to reduce the effects of economic volatility by finding solid and defensible solutions. 3rd Generation Engineering understands that successfully balancing today's demands with financial realities can be the difference between continued success and failure. Decades of experience in preparing such financial planning, feasibility and rate studies has facilitated a thorough and collaborative approach, allowing us to truly understand, anticipate, and be responsive to client needs.

General Services

  • Utility Financial Consulting
  • Utility Accounting
  • Regulatory Analysis Support
  • Financial Planning
  • Contract Evaluation/Negotiation Support
  • Litigation Support


  • Expert Testimony
  • Financing Alternative Analysis
  • Rates & Changes
  • Asset Valuation
  • Revenue Analysis


  • Financial Feasibility
  • Tariff analysis
  • Procurement Support
  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis

7920 Belt Line Road, Suite 591
Dallas, TX 75254-8145

Phone: 972-387-8784
Fax: 972-387-8874

© 2010, 3rd Generation Engineering

7920 Belt Line Road, Suite 591
Dallas, TX 75254-8145

Phone: 972-387-8784
Fax: 972-387-8874

© 2010
3rd Generation Engineering